Sunday 11 January 2015

Hang Around with Animals.


It’s next to impossible to be in a foul mood when you do.  They have an infinite capacity to lift the spirits of their human friends.  You’ll feel happier just being in their furry or feathery company.  That silly grin on your face is positive proof.

Pet a dog when you’re feeling anxious and within minutes you’ll begin to feel relaxed.  Watch a cat chase a light beam around the room and you’ll be in giggles.  Cuddle a rabbit or a hamster and you’ll get why good things come in small packages.  Sit in front of a fish tank for ten minutes and before you know it you’ll be meditating.  Listen to the birds sing and you’ll know what real communication is all about. Get on the back of a horse and you’ll understand the true meaning of balance and strength.

If you’re feeling blue, they’ll brighten your day. If you’re lonely, they’ll be there for you. They’ll teach you things about loyalty, faithfulness, dedication, steadfastness, resilience, trust.

And most importantly, about unconditional love.

Sunday 4 January 2015

Hang Out in Nature.

Get to know the wonder and magic of the great outdoors. It’s a vast and infinite playground.  And it’s all yours to explore. 

No matter where you are. No matter who you’re with. Regardless of how busy you think you are. Stop and make time. Leave. Get outside. Every day. You don’t have to go far.  Nor does it have to be an all-consuming affair. Take a ten-minute walk around the block or down a dirt road. Sit on a park bench and feed the pigeons. Go to your thinking place by the sea, lake, ocean or stream. Dig your toes in the desert sand. Run barefoot or strap on snowshoes. Soar with the eagles or swim with the turtles.  Go into the woods or climb that mountain.

Commune with Mother Earth. She lives everywhere. Even in the most crowded cities. A tree grows in Brooklyn. A bird sings in Singapore. Flowers bloom in Boston. The point is the world is a beautiful, majestic, awe-inspiring place.

And it beckons.  Heed the call Girl Warrior.