Tuesday 30 December 2014

Take Good Care of Yourself.

Do whatever it takes to be physically healthy. All the days of your life. Do it for yourself. And for all the people who love you. Be active in every arena of your life. 

Find the thing that moves you. Go to the gym. Take a fitness class. Play a sport. Be part of the team. Or go it alone. Do the Sun Salutation every morning in the tranquility of your bedroom. Walk the dog after supper. Chase the cat around the yard. Climb a mountain. Run down the hill. Swim circles around the competition. Pole dance. Or plié at the barre. Go fly a kite. Or paddle a canoe.

Whatever floats your boat.  Makes you feel alive and well in your skin. You don’t have to master it. You just have to do it. Get off the couch, away from the table, or out of the bed. That’s half the battle. You need to be strong Girl Warrior. Fit as a fiddle and in fighting form.

Ready for anything.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Believe in Something Bigger than Yourself.

Know that you are connected to every living thing in this marvelous Universe. That’s a huge and daunting thought. So take it in. Fully. Breathe life into it. Wrap your loving arms around this notion until it seeps into your DNA and fills every cell. Clog your pores with this concept.

Figure out your place in the grander scheme of things. The beautiful, elegant, ingenious, creative, intelligent and precisely perfect design that dwells deep inside your soul.  And that of every single being and creature that ever was. And ever will be. Imagine that.

Honor this exquisite essence.

Whether you call it God or Gitche Manitou, Divine Intelligence or Great Spirit, Energy or Electricity, it matters not. What really matters is the knowledge that you are a part of it. You are an essential drop of water in the great big sea. A twinkle in the starry night. A slice of light in the infinite sky. Your presence is requested. Here and now. For eternity.

And you are never alone.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Be in the Moment.

Be present. Fully engaged. Right here. Right now. Don’t waste one single solitary second being anywhere else than where you are at this very instant.  For this is all you truly have.

The past is done.  You can love what once was but don’t live there.  Don’t fret over the things you regret.  Or worry about all those woulda coulda shoulda things either.  They have nothing to do with the way things are today.

The future is out there. Somewhere. But it is not yet yours. It’s merely part of the exquisite possibilities. Not the beautiful bird already in your hand. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t have dreams. Or plans. And schemes. Goals and aspirations are worthwhile. And may one day lead to your success.  But if you spend all your days living in tomorrow and squander this precious hour, then in the end you have lost the greatest gift of all.   

Awaken all your senses to “the now” Girl Warrior.  And just be.

Sunday 17 August 2014

Take Risks.

Take risks. Big ones. Small ones. The kind only you know you’re taking. This is your deal. Go out on a limb. Get rid of the safety net. Free fall. Hang ten. Step out.  And step off. Close your eyes and let go. Fall in love with uncertainty. Welcome unpredictability. Embrace the random unexpected things with open arms and wide-eyed wonder.

Don’t play it safe. Just play it with everything you’ve got. Let the cards land where they will. And then play those too. Put yourself out there even when you’d rather hide under a rug.  Don’t have second thoughts.  Or third.  Don’t let anything or anyone sabotage your efforts.  Squash your dreams. Take away your power. Don’t doubt yourself.  Not even for one second.

Take a chance. Venture forth.  Give it your best shot. Something mind-blowing will happen when you do. 

Sunday 25 May 2014

Dress The Part.

Every Girl Warrior should have a costume.  Something that is uniquely her.  At first blush, it might look just like someone else's.  Don’t be fooled.  No two Girl Warriors wear their costumes in the same way. This is your personal power suit.  Put it on. 

Strut your stuff.  Don’t apologize for the cut, color or condition.  Walk.  Run.  Skip to my Lou.  Black leather jacket.  Frilly blouse.  Skinny jeans.  Mini skirt.  Floor length gown.  A sundress blooming with flowers.  Floppy hat.  Or fascinator.  A pinstriped suit. Kick-ass boots. Red stiletto shoes.

It’s not about fashion. It’s about expression. Wearing the inside out.  It’s about attitude. Character. Originality. You are a rare bird Girl Warrior.  Know this. 

So put on your cape.  And fly.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Defend and Stand Up for Something.

Defend and stand up for something. That’s what true Girl Warriors do.  Don’t stand on the sidelines.  Believe in something.  If you haven’t got a cause.  Find one. The mission is personal. And it’s critical.  Don’t worry if you’re the only one fighting for it.  That’s not the point. If it’s meaningful to you, then get behind it.  Breathe life into it in a way only you can. 

While you’re standing up for something, avoid putting someone else down. No matter how much you disagree. Cheap shots are easy and beneath you.  Defend their right to have their own beliefs.  Don’t kick or trample on the weak.

Girl Warrior, reach out and extend a helping hand. Invite them to stand with you.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Be Honest.

Be honest. Speak up.  Speak out. Speak your truth. Express yourself.  Whatever that means to you.  However that looks.  Tell it like it is.  Or how you wish it was.  Be bold.  Audacious in your speech. Intrepid with your message.

But don’t use your words to slaughter.  Use your words to empower.  Elucidate.  Illuminate. Exalt. Demystify. Take ownership of what comes out of your mouth.

Make it good.